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Meditation Monday

Updated: May 23, 2023

Today was another beautiful day. I did get my morning self Reiki session in AND my morning meditation. It was so nice to sit outside again with my feet in the dirt. I felt a little guilty taking the day off from yard work for some self care, but I needed it and it really did feel nice. I got some reading in too, which was nice.

I talk about how important self care is and re-charging, but we are human. It's okay to feel a little guilty for not doing, like I did. The important thing is to realize that the work will still be there after you take care of you. It's not selfish to care for yourself or to take time for your self. It's really a necessity.

How did you do today? Did you get some meditation in? Maybe a little you time? I'd like to know how your doing on your journey. Sometimes it's nice to know that someone cares enough to ask how you are.

You got this! Breathe!

P.S. I will be teaching Holy Fire® III Reiki Level 1 on July 10, 2023 - there is still time to register if you are interested. Reiki one will teach you self Reiki which I recommend doing daily, it really makes a huge difference. Click here for class descriptions -

and click here to register -

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